Rules Guidelines Students

The class timing is 9.15 am to 3.30 pm. However, Students must report to the school between 8.30 to 8.50 am for the assembly and prayers.
Students shall be obedient and show respect towards teachers and elders and greet them warmly wherever they meet them at school and outside
Since cleanliness is next to godliness, every student shall consider cleanliness of dress and person as essential virtue.
unctuality paves the way for order and discipline. Hence every student is expected to be present for the morning assembly.
It is compulsory for every student to come to school in full uniform including foot wear and hair style.
Students are to speak English at school. Each student is expected to participate in all the activities of the school.
Religious instruction or moral classes are compulsory for all students.
The school will not be responsible for any accident happened to the students.
Students who damage any property of the school shall make good the loss.
Ornaments or jewelry of any kind are not allowed in the school. Every student must look after his/her belongings. The school authorities will not be responsible for things lost.
To avoid accidents and injuries, no one shall bring to school razor blades, sharp instruments, explosives and the like.
Other than the school books and library books, no other book, magazine or news-paper is to be brought to the school.
The prior permission of the Principal is required for any student activities like class organizations, clubs, parties and picnics, ticket-selling and fund-raising schemes etc.
The Principal maintains the right to control all correspondence that comes to students through the school.
Forging signatures of the parent or teacher, altering marks etc. will be taken seriously
No gift or donation to the teachers is allowed.
Private tuition hampers the real progress of the students. Therefore, it is essential that we avoid tuitions. However, all slow learners are expected to attend the remedial classes arranged by the teachers from time to time.
Attendance on the opening and closing dates of a term, after special holidays like Onam, Deepavali and Christmas, and at official functions like Independence Day, Republic day, Sports day and Anniversary day, is compulsory.
Students who absent themselves without leave information for more than 15 consecutive days shall be deemed to have left the school and their names shall automatically be struck off from the rolls. Re-admission is left to the discretion of the Principal.
Students whose attendance is irregular or who habitually neglect homework or who in the opinion of the school authorities repeatedly not adhering the rules and regulations of the school or whose conduct is not in keeping with the moral tone of the school or whose activities are detrimental to the very vision and objectives of St. Vincent’s School, are liable to expelled.
Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, objectionable moral behaviour and above all, discourtesy and disrespect to teachers are each a enough cause for suspension or dismissal.
upils are not allowed to leave the school premises without permission from the Principal /Vice Principal/Class teacher.

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